Monday, March 30, 2009

This is our youngest son, Murphy...

If you've always treated your dog like a little furry person, you aren't alone. Not only that, but as a new study reveals, you were probably right to do so.
A recent article on MSNBC previews a new paper by Jozsef Topal, one of the world's leading canine researchers, which argues that the thousands of years of shared environment between man and dog has made the dog a closer model to human behavior than chimpanzees with whom we share 98% of our genes.
"In my view, pet dogs can be regarded in many aspects as 'pre-verbal infants in canine's clothing'" said Topal. The dogs in his study performed at levels equal to a 16-month old child in a series of tests and the article notes that "dogs exhibit all three primary types of social behavior that humans evolved when they split from chimpanzees 6 million years ago".

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Irish Harvest Specialties!

I'm headed back to Vernon, CT for the Irish Harvest Specialties show the first weekend in October. This is the second year for the event which is a combined show for the Irish Setter Club of New England, the Irish Setter Club of Central Connecticut and the Eastern Irish Setter Association.

I had a great time last year and I'm looking forward to seeing everyone again this year!